Friday, May 17, 2013

Community Indicators Projects Gets a Facelift !

In a previous post I talked about the Community Indicators Project which is sponsored by the Leadership Alliance for a Vital Community (LAVC). The project examines data and trends from a number of governmental and other sources to illuminate the state of the economy and educational system, explore the condition of families and youths, and identify the complex challenges facing our communities.

Just a few days ago the site got a facelift and updated data added to their data portals  Among the new things available for the data user are:

  • A Nonprofit Portal which allows organizations to share information about their projects that tie to specific indicators.  Other interested organizations can also comment on existing entries and share their similar work or ask for help;
  • The “What’s New” section links to news releases that feature specific data;
  • Grants Impact” (located in the second column) links to The Community Foundation’s new website where we feature grant stories and initiative area information;
  • You can now customize charts within each "indicator" by physically clicking on a limited number of city or county names you want to potentially use for data comparison.
To view a complete tutorial guide on the indicators and how the site works, please go to Using the Site webpage. In the meantime the Indicators Project seems like a great place for agencies in need of data to start their search!