The 2013 US Census Population Estimates were released today. The Census Bureau's Population Estimates Program (PEP) produces
estimates of the population for the United States, its states, counties,
cities, and towns. Demographic components of population change (births,
deaths, and migration) are produced at the national, state, and county
levels of geography. Additionally, housing unit estimates are produced
for the nation, states, and counties.
These estimates are used in federal funding allocations, as survey
controls, as denominators for vital rates and per capita time series,
and as indicators of recent demographic changes. With each new release
of annual estimates, the entire time series of estimates is revised for
all years back to the last census. All previously published estimates
are superseded and archived.
The table below shows the population estimates for counties in New York. It comes from the Cornell Program on Applied Demographics, which issues an entire report (viewable through that link) on the estimates.