Monday, August 19, 2013

Animated US Population Changes and Projections: From 1900 to 2060

Bill McBride at created an “animation of the U.S population distribution, by age, from 1900 through 2060,” demonstrating the gradual aging of the US population. In his words, “In 1900, the graph was fairly steep, but with improving health care, the graph has flattened out over the last 100 years. ...Watch for: 1) the original baby bust preceding the baby boom (the decline in births prior to and during the Depression). Those are the people currently in retirement. 2) the Baby Boom is obvious. 3) By 2020 or 2025, the largest cohorts will all be under 40.”

Below are the 1900 and the 2060 population distributions from McBride. To see how we got from one to the other, click here and watch the animation for some of the things mentioned above .

1900 Population Distribution
2060 Population Distribution