Monday, July 8, 2013

Check Twice for Motorcycles !

Of the more than 5,300 motorcycle accidents in New York State in 2011 (the latest year for which data is available) about 55% of these crashes involved the motorcycle with another vehicle. The New York State DOT offers a number of tips about safe motorcycling for operators of a motorcycles as well as for making other drivers aware of cyclists on the road. Each piece of this equation has important things to consider.

Motorcycle riders need to:
  • Remember that motorists often have trouble seeing motorcycles and reacting in time.
  • Be aware of blind spots, especially around large trucks.
  • Watch for potholes, ruts and any other irregular riding surface. Even with constant remedial effort, potholes will present themselves.
  • Work zones require an increased awareness of potential hazards.
While all motorists need to:

  • Be alert and aware.
  • Drive defensively.
  • Look twice to prevent violating the right of way of motorcyclists, pedestrians, and cars.

To promote motorcycle safety the following strategies from the NYS Comprehensive Highway Safety Plan are being implemented:
  1. Reduce impaired driving. The STOP-DWI Program is directed at reducing the number of impaired drivers operating all types of vehicles on New York's roadways.
  2. Reduce motorcycle fatalities resulting from errors by other drivers. Education and public information is aimed at heightening the awareness of all motorists to the presence of motorcycles on the road.
  3. Increase motorcycle rider education for novice and experienced riders. In 1997, New York established a rider-funded safety education program called the Motorcycle Safety Program (MSP).
  4. Increase safety through design, operation, and maintenance practices. This includes safety considerations during construction for milled pavement surfaces and signs for skewed railroad grade crossings where the angle between the roadway and track is less than 30 degrees.
 So remember: "CHECK TWICE - SAVE A LIFE!"