Friday, August 28, 2015

School District Poverty Data Visualized

Recently, EdBuild launched an interactive map that highlights student poverty in every school district across the United States. The student poverty numbers reported in the linked EdBuild map reflect the number of school-aged children falling below the federal poverty line, as reported in the US Census Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates data set. Therefore, the numbers in this map are not the often-referenced United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Free and Reduced Price Lunch (FRL) eligibility numbers, which include students from households with income up to 185% of that poverty level. If the student poverty numbers for your school district differ from what you’ve heard in the past, it’s most likely because of this difference.

Below is a static screen shot of the Central Valley School district data (note the box in the upper right with the information). Visit the website and track down information on your district, or look at how you compare to surrounding districts. Click the graphic below to enlarge it.