Monday, December 28, 2015

Municipal Level Income Comparisons in Herkimer County: 2014 Versus 2009 Five Year Estimates

The three primary ways that the Census Bureau measures income is by median household income, median family income, and per capita income. Median household income is basically the "middle income value" of all households in a given municipality. Households include anyone sharing a housing unit and living together regardless of their relationships. Median family incomes are the "middle income value" of all families, meaning related people living in a household. Measuring income on a per capita basis is taking income and dividing it by the total number of people living in a municipality, regardless of age.

Below is a chart showing the 2014 and the inflation-adjusted 2009 income measures for households, families and per capita within each municipality in Herkimer County.

Please note that NONE of the municipalities show any SIGNIFICANT changes from 2009 when it comes to any of the income measures. Any differences in income (whether large or small, positive or negative) between 2009 and 2014 are within the margins of error for the data.